Resolve Conflicts Amicably

Resolve Conflicts Amicably

Foster sound relationships and come to agreements out-of-court with our collaborative family law/mediation services.

Contact us to find a respectful and mutually beneficial resolution for your family.

Book a collaborative family law appointment today

What is collaborative family law?

Collaborative Practice is a reasonable approach to divorce based on three principles:

  • Pledge not to go to court
  • An honest exchange of information by both spouses
  • A solution that takes into account the highest priorities of both adults and their children.

Mutual respect is fundamental to the collaborative way. You may cease being spouses, but you don’t cease being worthy human beings. When respect is given and received, discussions are likely to be more productive and an agreement reached more easily.

Safe Harbour Therapy Centre offers collaborative family law/mediation services for couples across Winnipeg, River Heights, Tuxedo, St. Boniface, North Kildonan, Crescentwood, and the surrounding areas.